The Role of Hormones in IVF: How They Affect Fertility & Success Introduction Hormones play a critical role in the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process, influencing egg development, ovulation, implantation, and overall pregnancy success. Understanding how hormones affect fertility and…
Semen Analysis: Purpose, Procedure & How to Read Results Introduction Semen analysis is a diagnostic test that evaluates a man’s sperm health and fertility potential. It measures factors like sperm count, motility, morphology, and semen volume to assess reproductive health.…
Top 10 IUI Success Tips for a Higher Pregnancy Success Rate Introduction Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a common fertility treatment that helps couples conceive by placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. While IUI is less invasive and more…
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): Process & Benefits Introduction Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is an advanced reproductive technology used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to detect genetic disorders in embryos before implantation. It helps couples with a high risk of passing…
फाइब्रॉइड का अर्थ (Fibroid Meaning in Hindi): कारण, लक्षण और इलाज Introduction (परिचय) फाइब्रॉइड (Fibroid) जिसे यूटेराइन फाइब्रॉइड (Uterine Fibroids) या गर्भाशय की रसौली भी कहा जाता है, एक गैर- कैंसरयुक्त (Non-Cancerous) ट्यूमर होता है जो महिलाओं के गर्भाशय (Uterus)…
ओव्यूलेशन का अर्थ (Ovulation Meaning in Hindi): प्रक्रिया, लक्षण और महत्व Introduction (परिचय) ओव्यूलेशन (Ovulation) महिलाओं के मासिक चक्र (Menstrual Cycle) का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। यह वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें अंडाशय (Ovary) से एक परिपक्व अंडाणु (Egg) निकलता है…
पीरियड दर्द से राहत पाने के आसान और असरदार उपाय 👉 पीरियड दर्द क्यों होता है? Why does period pain occur? पीरियड्स के दौरान पेट और कमर में होने वाला दर्द (Menstrual Cramps) बहुत आम समस्या है। यह दर्द यूटरस…
Follicular Study for Pregnancy: Purpose, Process & Success Rate Introduction Pregnancy is a dream for many couples, but sometimes, it takes extra effort to conceive. A follicular study is a medical test that helps track ovulation, making it easier to…
Side Effects of Masturbation: Myths vs. Reality Explained Introduction Masturbation is a natural and common activity. However, many myths surround it, leading to confusion and fear. Some people believe it causes serious health problems, while others see it as completely…
Understanding Your IVF Pregnancy Test Results Going through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an emotional journey. After your embryo transfer, the most awaited moment is the pregnancy test day. But what happens next? Whether the result is positive or negative,…